About the forest

Tree care and nature conversation - a natural part of modern forestry

The forest is too valuable not to be thought of from a long perspective. Because of this, tree care and nature conservation not only should – but also must – be a part of modern forestry.

The forest is a habitat for plants and animals, a valuable provider of wood and other resources, as well as a place we come to for peace of mind. At Husqvarna we hope that many generations to come will have the same chance to experience the forest as we have today. When we fell trees, we must therefore consider not only the plants and animals that live in the forest, but also the people who enjoy it, like hunters and outdoor enthusiasts. This is especially important when felling near densely populated areas.
Limbing in the forest

Responsible Planning

Planning for felling a stand includes both felling plans and environmental protection plans. Environmental considerations vary between different countries and types of forests. Find out which regulations and recommendations apply in your country by asking your forestry and environmental agencies.

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