Can I register a Husqvarna product without specifying an email address

If you don't want to specify an email address, but still want to register a Husqvarna product, you can visit your Husqvarna authorized dealer. The dealer will handle the registration for you. You will need the purchase receipt to complete the process at the dealership. Find your nearest dealer with the  Dealer Locator.

Keep in mind that registering your product on MyPages comes with additional benefits, such as:

  • consolidation of all your registered Husqvarna products and services
  • possibility to locate you as the owner of a product in case of theft
  • possibility to get maintenance tips and recall information

Check out all the benefits here: What are the benefits of the Husqvarna product registration

Tip! If you already have a Husqvarna account for services like Automower® Connect, Husqvarna Connect, or Husqvarna Fleet Services™, you can use the same credentials for logging into MyPages.

Learn more about how to register your Husqvarna product here: How to register a Husqvarna product

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