
How to check the blade and blade guard on a hedge trimmer

In order for your hedge trimmer to work optimally, make sure that the blade and the blade guard are not damaged or broken.

CAUTION: Always wear protective gloves when handling the cutting equipment.

How to check the blade and the blade guard on a hedge trimmer

The outer part of the blade has the function of the blade guard. The blade guard prevents cut injuries.

  1. Stop the product and make sure that the blade has stop.
  2. For the petrol-powered tool: Remove the spark plug cap from the spark plug. For the battery-powered tool: Remove the battery.
  3. Put on the protective gloves.
  4. Make sure that the blade and the blade guard is not damaged or bent. Always replace the damaged or bent blade, or a damaged blade guard.
  5. Make sure that the screws to the blade and blade guard are tight.




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