
How to replace a starter cord on a chainsaw

While using your chainsaw the starter rope can get damaged or eve break.

This can occur if you use the chainsaw:

  • in dusty conditions 
  • in pine forests or other types of trees with a lot of sap

If the starter rope is very damaged, or broken, replace it.

What you will need:

  • protective eyewear
  • protective gloves
  • new starter rope, length depending on your chainsaw model.
  • plyers 

How to replace a starter cord on a chainsaw

  1. Loose the screws to the starter housing.
  2. Remove the starter housing.
  3. Pull the starter rope approximately 30 cm (12in) and put it in the notch on the pulley.
  4. Let the pulley rotate slowly rearward to release the recoil spring.
  5. Remove the used starter rope from the handle and the pulley.
  6. Attach a new starter rope to the pulley. Wind the starter rope approximately 3 turns around the pulley. 
  7. Pull the starter rope through the hole in the starter housing and the starter rope handle. 
  8. Make a tight knot at the end of the starter rope.



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