
How to use maintenance reminders in Husqvarna Fleet Services™

What are maintenance reminders in Husqvarna Fleet Services™ for?

To help you keep track of when your machine needs servicing, Husqvarna Fleet Services™ offers maintenance reminders that show and remind you when the next service is due. You can set different types of reminders and enable notifications for when servicing is due on a machine.

Maintenance reminder overview

To get a quick overview of how many of your machines need service, you can use either the Husqvarna Fleet Services™ web portal or the Husqvarna Fleet Services™ mobile app. The overview shows the following information:

  • DUE: Number of machines that are due for service.
  • OFF: Number of machines with maintenance reminders disabled.
  • ON: Number of machines with maintenance reminders enabled for which servicing is not yet due.

Select an option to open a filtered view of the machine list based on the selected criteria.

Web portal

Select Dashboard in the top menu and locate the Service reminder card.

Mobile app

Tap Dashboard > Machines and scroll down to Maintenance.

Maintenance reminder types

There are two types of maintenance reminders in Husqvarna Fleet Services™:

  • Remind me by Date: will remind you at a specified date.
  • Remind me by Engine hours: will remind you based on a specified number of engine hours.

To edit what maintenance reminder type to use, edit the reminder settings as per the instructions below.

Maintenance status in machine list

In the Machine list (both in the Husqvarna Fleet Services™ web portal and in the mobile app), the colour of the wrench icon will show the status of your machines and reminders. Hover over the icon or click on it for more details.

  • Red: Maintenance reminders are enabled and servicing is due on the machine.
  • Light grey: Maintenance reminders are disabled.
  • Grey: Maintenance reminders are enabled and servicing is not yet due on the machine.

Default maintenance reminders

When you add your first machine, Husqvarna Fleet Services™ automatically sets a reminder for a pre-defined number of engine hours. This applies to both Husqvarna machines and 3rd party machines. The interval may vary depending on the machine type.

Examples: For handheld chainsaws, the reminder is set to 40 hours. For commercial front mowers, the reminder is set to 100 hours.

To change the reminder settings, for example from Engine hours to Date, follow the instructions below.

Change or turn off maintenance reminder settings at machine level

You can edit the settings for maintenance reminders or turn off the reminders for a machine at any time.

Web portal

  1. Click Inventory in the top menu.
  2. Select a machine in the list.
  3. Under Maintenance and Repair, click the wrench icon button that shows when next service is to be done or when service was due.
  4. Edit the reminder settings as desired.

Mobile app

  1. Tap Dashboard > Inventory.
  2. Select a machine and tap Maintenance > Reminder settings.
  3. Edit the settings as desired and tap Save.

Enable notifications for maintenance reminders

If desired, you can set up notifications that remind you when it is time for service, either by weekly reports or by email notifications.

  • Enable Weekly report to get a weekly report where you can see how many of your machines are due for service, and for which machines you have enabled or disabled service reminders.
  • Enable Maintenance notification to get an email every time servicing is due for a machine
  • Enable Robotic mower notification to get push notifications from your robotic lawn mowers in your Husqvarna Fleet Services™ mobile app.

Web portal

  1. Click on the profile icon in the top menu and select Report & Notifications.
  2. Configure the settings as desired.

Mobile app

  1. Tap Settings > Reports & Notifications
  2. Configure the settings as desired.

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