
How to enable notifications from Automower® Connect

If your Automower® robotic lawn mower is connected to Automower® Connect using the cellular network or a Wi-Fi network, you can get a notification to your phone when an error occurs.

If you have several mowers added to your Automower® Connect account, you get notifications for all mowers, not only the one used as Current mower.

See also: Viewing the message history of your Automower® robotic lawn mower

Enable notifications

To receive notifications you have to allow the Automower® Connect app to send notifications.

Notifications are enabled in your phone settings, Follow these instructions:

Iphone | Android

Notify your neighbor

Are you going away for the weekend or maybe longer and want someone to look after your mower if something happens? With the Smart Connection Notify your neighbor when your mower needs attention, you can easily and automatically notify your friends when something unexpected happens and your mower has an error message.

Learn how to notify your neighbor

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