
How to update the firmware of an Automower® robotic lawn mower using FOTA and Husqvarna Fleet Services™

Using the Husqvarna Fleet Services™ app, you can easily update the firmware of Automower® robotic lawn mowers that support FOTA (Firmware Over The Air) technology yourself. Husqvarna Fleet Services™ will inform you when there is a new firmware update available for installation and guide you through the installation process. 

Note that the firmware update process differs slightly from other products, as Automower® robotic lawn mowers communicate with the Husqvarna cloud directly and do not have to be within Bluetooth range from a Husqvarna Fleet Services™ app or gateway to complete a firmware update.

To update the firmware of an Automower® robotic lawn mower

The mower downloads the firmware automatically when it is available. To initiate the update, you just have to approve the installation of the new firmware.

  1. Open the dashboard in the Husqvarna Fleet Services™ app, select Robotic mower, scroll down to Firmware updates, and select Firmware available
  2. Select the mower in the list.
  3. Scroll down to Firmware updates and click More info.
  4. Click Update when parked to initiate the update.

During the update, the mower needs to be parked in the charging station. The mower will be disconnected during the update but will reconnect automatically when the update is completed.

See also:

What is FOTA and how do I use it

Which Automower® robotic lawn mowers can be updated using FOTA?

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