What is a Husqvarna account used for and how do I sign up for one?

What is a Husqvarna account used for?

A Husqvarna account is an account that can be used with Husqvarna’s digital solutions, such as Automower® Connect, Husqvarna Connect, Husqvarna Fleet Services™, My Pages and product registration.

Create a Husqvarna account

To create an account you can sign up using one of our Husqvarna apps, for example Automower® Connect, or using My Pages.

Once your account is created, you can use it for all our digital solutions.

Log in regularly to keep your account

To keep your Husqvarna account, you need to log in to your account regularly. If you have not logged in to any of our digital solutions for 18 months you will get an email notification, informing you that you have to log in within three months to keep your account. If you do not log in within three months, your account will be disabled and eventually deleted.

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