

High-tech fabrics, clever design, and Euro-tested safety features ensure outstanding protection and characteristic Husqvarna reliability.

Always comfortable

Exceptional comfort and ergonomics lets you focus on your work, not on your body.
Toughness is standard

Toughness is standard

With products field-tested for professional use in tough enviroments, you can always expect the best.

Personal protective equipment (PPE)

Husqvarna’s range of protective clothing and equipment is designed with the same craftsmanship and attention to details as our tools. And because we make the machines you’re using, we know exactly how to make the clothing and equipment that helps you use them best.


Our protective clothing lines are developed together with professionals to fit the task at hand. Whether you're looking for light protection, or top-of-the-line sophistication, our clothes are made to be comfortable, lightweight, and safe.


Equipped with visors and hearing protection, and designed for exceptional comfort, Husqvarna forestry helmets give maximum protection to your most valuable asset.


Good work boots mean a lot when you’re facing a long day’s work. We offer a comprehensive range of comfortable foot protection, made from high-quality materials, that will stand up to the many challenges of outdoor work.


For both incidental and extended contact with sharp or abrasive surfaces, Husqvarna offers protective gloves that not only keep your hands safe but offer better grip, dexterity, and sensitivity.

Hearing protection

Professional foresters aren’t strangers to high noise levels. Husqvarna hearing protection gear comes in several versions, with a padded headband, FM radio, and with or without visor.

Visual protection

Visors, glasses, or goggles — there are many ways to protect eyes. We know what’s needed and offer you a complete range of eye protection for every possible requirement.