From professionals

  • No use stock image
    From professionals

    The voice of today’s tree professionals

    Today's world of arboriculture and forestry is alive with fascinating discussion. And at Husqvarna we are constantly listening and learning. That's why we want to share a space for interesting and relevant content, to help advance the industry and the work of tree professionals.

  • H-team Ambassadors UK team
    From professionals

    Smooth and sharp: Professionals try the new Husqvarna X-Cut saw chain

    Tagging along with professionals as they test Husqvarna products in real environments is the most exciting way to see if our efforts have paid off. In the case of the new X-Cut saw chain, however, the excitement may have been mixed with a certain nervousness on the part of the test managers. Would this wholly new product for Husqvarna gain the acceptance of hard-working loggers and arborists?

  • Edge Campaign Photo
    From professionals

    Husqvarna X-Cut: Designing a better saw chain

    For the first time, there are original Husqvarna saw chains, and they are made where it all once started – in Huskvarna, Sweden. Why, you might wonder. Well, the story actually starts at the end. Through all our research and development, making your output the highest possible has been the overarching goal.

  • Kiah Martin, Australian arborist
    From professionals

    On top of her game – Kiah Martin on being one of the best arborist in the world

    Remember when you were a child and climbed trees? Some people keep climbing and become arborists. And some of them become the best in the world. One of those super pros is Kiah Martin, a world champion winning arborist based in Melbourne. This is her story.

  • TrioBrake feature Chainsaw
    From professionals

    Safer work at fast pace along power line corridors

    Things move quickly when a team is felling trees and cutting branches along a power line corridor. It's a tough job that requires high precision at all times. Gerry Breton, Safety Director at Lucas Tree Experts, decided at an early stage to invest in Husqvarna saws with the unique chain brake TrioBrake.

  • AutoTune - PR image
    From professionals

    Efficient logging in heat at high altitude

    It's a warm, dry, remote location high in the mountains. Big trees are felled here at a rapid rate on the steep slopes. It's a tough environment that makes great demands on both the loggers and their machines. Jaime Wagenfuhr and his son Graham are enjoying every minute. Using chainsaws with the self-adjusting carburettor AutoTune allows them to work unhindered and efficiently – at all altitudes and at all temperatures.