Which Automower® models support AIM technology?

The available features provided by the Automower® Intelligent Mapping (AIM) Technology vary across different models. 

All Automower® models with AIM Technology can generate a virtual map, allowing you to visualise the guide wires and boundary wire in the Automower® Connect app, as well as the real-time location of your mower and charging station.

Several models offer Zone Control and Guidance powered by AIM Technology. The Zone Control feature allows you to create work areas, setting a separate schedule or a different cutting height for these areas. Additionally, you can create stay-out zones to prevent your mower from entering certain parts of the lawn. The Automower® Guidance feature automatically calculates the most efficient route to and from the docking point of the charging station.

Overview of Automower® models and AIM technology features

Automower® modelVirtual map (AIM)Zone Control (AIM)Guidance (AIM)
320 NERAx x
310E NERAx x
410XE NERAxxx
430X NERAxxx
435X AWDxxx
450X NERAxxx
535 AWDxxx

Please note that AIM Technology is only available for the above models, as they have the necessary sensors and system capabilities.

Creating a virtual map using AIM Technology
Creating work areas using AIM Technology
Creating stay-out zones using AIM Technology

Please contact your local Husqvarna dealer if you need further assistance with your Automower® robotic lawn mower.

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