What is the difference between Automower® Connect, Automower® Connect@Home and Automower® Direct?

The Automower® Connect app provides different modes of connectivity depending on your mower model: Automower® Connect for long-range connectivity using cellular communication, and Automower® Connect@Home and Automower® Direct for short-range connectivity using Bluetooth. 

Main differences

  • Automower® Connect connects to the mower using the cellular network, enabling you to control your mower from anywhere and anytime. In addition, you get access to the push notifications and GPS features that Automower® Connect offers, such as the map view and theft tracking.
  • Automower® Connect@Home and Automower® Direct connect to the mower using Bluetooth, at a distance of <30m. 
  • To use Automower® Connect and Automower® Connect@Home you need to log in with your Husqvarna account.
  • To use Automower® Direct you connect to your mower without an account, which for example makes it possible for you to help friends and family with their mowers without having to create an account or adding the mower to your account. It is only a temporary connection and you have to enter the mower pin code and establish a new connection every time you want to access or control the mower using your phone or a similar device.


Differences between Automower Connect, Automower Connect@Home and Automower® Direct
Feature Automower® Connect Automower® Connect@Home Automower® Direct
Husqvarna account required Yes


Add mower to account Yes Yes No
Connection Uses the cellular network. Enables you to control your mower from anywhere and anytime. Bluetooth connection. Enables you to control your mower at a distance of <30m. Bluetooth connection. Enables you to control your mower at a distance of <30m.
GPS assisted navigation X-line only No No
Map view Yes No No
Theft tracking Yes No No
Push notifications Yes No No


Note: Some exceptions from the above apply to our professional series.

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