The dawn of a new era, where large green spaces are managed in a dynamic and more efficient way.
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CEORA™ - Changing the game for turf care professionals

An autonomous mowing solution from Husqvarna is set to change the world of commercial turf care. With its huge area capacity, CEORA™ robotic mower is great news for all green space professionals. Systematic cutting and virtual boundaries deliver superb results and easier turf management on larger surfaces than ever. What’s more, this low noise, emission-free* solution offers thrilling future potential. It’s time to expand your horizons and embrace the future.

*while in use

Want to hear more about CEORA™?

To find out more about the difference CEORA™ can make to your operations or to arrange a demonstration, register your interest below and we’ll contact you with more information.



Want to hear more about CEORA™?

To find out more about the difference CEORA™ can make to your operations or to arrange a demonstration, register your interest below and we’ll contact you with more information.


Testimonial Expert Interview CEORA Steve Lloyd UK 1m38s 16:9 MASTER

Steve Lloyd

Golf Course Manager Worchestershire Golf Club, National Board Director BIGGA


Infographics CEORA

Approx 25,000 m²: Pro sports quality

The modern sports facility is the ideal arena for CEORA™ to show off its versatile skills. Put to work on an area around 25,000m² per day, it can manage several football pitches in a cost-efficient and professional way. Everyday care results in a lush, dense lawn that is perfect for sports and golf, with heavily-used grass areas being cut sensitively. CEORA™ is easy for all ground staff to operate remotely and maintain while focusing on other tasks to further improve turf quality. The end result is a sustainable win-win for the whole club.

Approx 50,000m²: Pro quality

CEORA™ can cut day and night on larger turf areas, working quietly in defined areas without getting in the way of players. Premium quality is achieved on semi-rough and sports areas, with the use of active wheel brushes that spread grass clippings effectively, creating a smooth result without clumps. To achieve optimum grass length on larger areas, CEORA™ can be scheduled to cut three times a week on an area of around 50,000m². Also, with future software updates, it is a viable long-term asset to any sports or golf club.

Approx 75,000m²: Regular quality

Its huge area capacity and sustainable capabilities mean CEORA™ represents the ideal investment for facilities and municipalities looking to meet targets on emissions and noise levels. Furthermore, replacing manual mowing with a robotic solution that can cover areas up to 75,000m² twice a week presents the opportunity to make major savings on labour and equipment costs. New levels of flexibility and performance are also possible, with turf care aided by virtual boundaries.



Modular system with two drive units

The new CEORA™ robotic mower is a modular system where you select the drive unit combination that suits your operations best. An innovative split design features a drive unit and a front unit. The 546 drive unit delivers the highest cutting performance and largest total capacity, around 50,000m² in a two-day period. The 544 drive unit has a formidable cutting capacity of around 40,000m² in a two-day period.

Join our CEORA™ launch tour!

Experience CEORA™ up close and in action, and find out more about the difference it can make to your operations. Venues for our launch tour will be confirmed shortly, so register your interest below and we’ll contact you with more information.
Only numbers allowed.


Expand your green space horizons

Pär Forsman, Product Manager of CEORA™ is delighted about how EPOS technology can create virtual boundaries, delivering faster and more efficient systematic cutting than ever before. The result will free up much more time for turf care managers in future.
CEORA interview Robin Birberg

Testing the future

Robin Birberg, Test Engineer at Husqvarna Robotic Lab tells us about how an innovative and thorough testing program provides a glimpse into the future performance of CEORA™ next-generation technology.
CEORA interview Sascha Menges

A thrilling first for Husqvarna

Sascha Menges, President, Husqvarna Division, talks about the huge opportunities a game-changing product like CEORA™ presents for the commercial turf care industry.

CEORA interview Rajinder Mehra

Shaping the design of tomorrow

Rajinder Mehra, Brand Design Manager at Husqvarna highlights the importance of the unique design of CEORA™, and its contribution to both functionality and future possibilities.