Husqvarna product registration & MyPages

Register your Husqvarna product online today and make sure to get faster assistance and easy access to all information needed regarding your new product/s and services on Husqvarna MyPages.


MyPages benefits

On Husqvarna MyPages you will get access to:

  • Your registered Husqvarna products including related product details and owner’s manuals.
  • Purchase and warranty information regarding your registered product/s.
  • Service Contract information (if applicable).
  • Access to MyProfile for updates of personal information.
  • Admin for subscriptions (available shortly).

More features to be added continuously!

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To register your product and create your personal Husqvarna account, please use the button below. Make sure to have your purchase receipt with purchase date at hand, the Husqvarna ID number (HID) or the product number (PNC) and serial number. You find the number/s on your product. For easiest registration, please scan the QR code if available on your product, by using the QR code icon on the registration page. Please note that registration of products excludes clothing.

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To access Husqvarna MyPages after registration, please use the button below to register a new account (Sign-up) or to log-in with existing account. If you already have a Husqvarna Group account (user of the Husqvarna app services Automower® Connect, Husqvarna Connect, Husqvarna Fleet Services™, etc.) please use your log in details to access Husqvarna MyPages without new account registration.