Measure how far the ball rolls
Many groundsmen use a special ball roll ramp to check the football pitch. If you’re aiming to fulfil FIFA’s standards for a championships pitch, the ball should be able to roll 5–8 metres. If it rolls for longer that means the pitch is too hard and needs to be aerated and watered. A shorter roll indicates that the pitch is too soft and needs irrigating less – the grass could also be too high. “Regular mowing is crucial for a smooth pitch. To ensure that it’s always perfectly cut and that the grass always has the right height, it might be worth looking into getting a robotic mower,” Simeon says.
…and see how high it bounces
How high the ball bounces could also give you a clue as to whether the football pitch is too hard, or too soft. The ball should bounce 70–100 centimetres after being dropped from a height of approximately two metres. “This is, once again, in FIFA’s regulations. It's a simple test and a good standard, one that I think most football clubs should strive to meet”. If the ball bounces under 70 centimetres, the pitch is soft) – and it’s time to cut down on the irrigation. A higher bounce than 100 centimetres means that the pitch is hard, so you can do the opposite: give it more water, and perhaps also aerate it. It could also mean that the grass is sparse and that you need to add new seeds. "Even in this aspect Automower® could be an interesting choice, since there’s scientific evidence that continuous mowing stimulates roots to grow deeper, which makes the pitch stronger and more durable."