
Automower® robotic lawn mower is not cutting according to the schedule

There are a number of reasons why your Automower® robotic lawn mower may not be operating according to the schedule. Here is a guide to help you find out why.


Cause Effect Action Where to change the setting
The product needs charging When the product is scheduled to operate for a long period of time, it will return to the charging station during operation when the battery level is low.
When the product has reached a sufficient level of charge, it will start operating again within the scheduled hours.
This is normal and no action is required.
If the operating time of the product is shorter than normal between charges, this indicates that the battery is getting old and will eventually need replacing.
No action
The START button is not pushed The product will be parked until you select a new operating mode. To start mowing according to the schedule, select Start > Resume on main area.
  • Product display
  • Automower® Connect > Dashboard
  • Smart Home service*
The product has been set to operate in a secondary area If the product has been put back into the charging station after mowing a secondary area, you need to reset the operation to Main area for the schedule to apply. To start mowing according to the schedule, select Start > Resume on main area.
  • Product display
  • Automower® Connect > Dashboard
The product has been parked until further notice This command overrides the schedule. The product will be parked until you select a new operating mode. To start mowing according to the schedule, select Start > Resume on main area.
  • Product display
  • Automower® Connect > Dashboard
  • Smart Home service*
The product has been parked for a specified duration (minutes, hours or days) This command overrides the schedule. The product will be parked for the specified time. The product starts operating according to the schedule after the specified time. To start mowing according to the schedule, select Start > Resume on main area.
  • Product display
  • Automower® Connect > Dashboard
  • Smart Home service*
The product has been started for a specified duration (minutes, hours or days) This command overrides the schedule. The product will operate according to its built-in mowing and charging cycle during the specified time. The product starts operating according to the schedule after the specified time. To start mowing according to the schedule, select Start > Resume on main area.
  • Product display
  • Automower® Connect > Dashboard
  • Smart Home service*
Weather timer is activated The weather timer function automatically adapts the cutting intervals to the grass growth.
This means that if the grass has not grown enough, the product will return to the charging station, despite the schedule saying that it should be operating.
The product always completes one mowing cycle and then the weather timer decides whether the product will continue to operate or not.
Disabling the weather timer or changing the sensitivity.
  • Product display > Settings > Installation > Weather timer
  • Automower® Connect > More > Settings > Operation > Weather timer
The product is in standby mode (Today’s mowing complete) The product has a maximum mowing time each day.
You can set the operating time of the product in the schedule. The operating time includes mowing, searching and charging. The operating time may differ for many reasons, for example, the layout of the work area, grass growth and the age of the battery.
When the product has operated for the maximum mowing time in a day, the message “Today’s mowing complete” is displayed in the app. The product then enters standby mode until the following day.
This is normal and no action is required. No action
Frost Guard is activated The grass is more likely to be damaged if the garden is covered with frost.
If the Frost Guard is activated, the product is not permitted to start cutting the grass if the temperature is below 5°C/41°F
Disabling the Frost Guard.
  • Product display > Settings > Frost Guard
  • Automower® Connect > More >Settings > Operation > Frost Guard
Smart Home connection is activated Some of the Smart Connections in the Automower® Connect app may override the schedule, for example, if you have enabled a connection that parks the product overnight or based on a calendar event. Disable the Smart Home connection or edit the settings.
  • Automower® Connect > MoreSmart Home
IFTTT applet is activated IFTTT applets activated for your product (either by you or another Automower® Connect user) can park the product and override the schedule. Disable the IFTTT applet or edit the settings. Log in to
The battery is outside of the temperature threshold The product is not permitted to operate if the battery temperature is too high or too low.

Check that the charging station is placed in an area that is protected from sunlight.

Do not operate the mower when the temperature is outside of the threshold.

No action
The product is not charging The product does not charge enough to operate despite being placed in the charging station. Contact dealer. No action
Wrong time on product Either the mower's clock needs to be set or the start and stop times are incorrect in the schedule. Set the clock and adjust the start and stop times. Product display > Settings > General > Time & date
For models supporting AIM technology:
The charging station is located in a stay-out zone

If the charging station is located in a stay-out zone, it will prevent the mower from operating.


Adjust the stay-out zone to ensure that the charging station is not within it. Automower® Connect > Map > Select map object > Edit

Depending on the model and specification of your product, some of the information above may not apply.

*With Smart Home service, we refer to Google Home, Amazon Alexa and IFTTT. Note that some features are not available using all services.

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